Happy 2024, Maybe!

Shortly before the New Year, I met with an old friend from early days here in the ATL who had happened to be back in town with various family stuff. He asked what I'd been up to these past covid years and, more importantly, where I will be heading. It was easy to answer and show... Continue Reading →

Fanfest 2023

In past Fanfests I've not made a point to blog about the experience, but I think for posterity's sake and how quickly people lose information in the FFXIV fandom, I decided to at least capture some thoughts after about a month out from the event itself. Note, this comes from someone who attended the two... Continue Reading →

We interrupt the silence…

Well Twitter continues to be rather odd. I was lucky to get in earlier on bluesky but haven't done much with it as it's been slow to gather a userbase I'm interested in (i.e., people are waiting on invite codes) and has some real noisy factors to it which make it a bit aggravating to... Continue Reading →

2023! Let’s try a mailing list!

Hello and Happy New Year!  While we watch social media spiral around in uncertain fashion, thought it would be worth trying to create a more consistent way to reach folks who are invested in my giveaways! As you know, I tend to prototype things long before they become available (or sometimes never make available). I'd... Continue Reading →

Twitter Moments, Gone and Broken

Hooey, the Moments not only are gone from Twitter, the old ones are not visible inside the actual fields (under Twitter Creator). So here are the fixed direct links below the jump. Note that to retrieve my old moments, I had to go to something I had written down and change "moment_maker/preview" to "events" and... Continue Reading →

Eating my words

In my last blog, I mentioned the Twitter takeover by Musk and being skeptical about Tumblr. Well, two weeks out of pocket (one for work and one for a poorly timed illness) and I'm prepared to say, Twitter is going to hell. I'm not pleased to see a platform that took years to build up... Continue Reading →

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